Thursday, August 30, 2018

The most courageous things one can do

To be recognized as a successful person one has to be courageous. A courageous person does what is seemingly hard for the common person. That is why we revere heroes. For the courage. Courage in actions and more importantly courage of conviction. Courage comes from application of knowledge about oneself, one's capabilities, one's limitations, one's surroundings, the environment one is in, and more importantly one's wisdom.
To me, there are two things that a courageous person has to do on a regular basis.
1. To know your true self
2. To look into the future
Knowing your true self is a life long pursuit. It comes from endless enquiry and introspection. It can be aided by Reading, Evaluation, Experience and most importantly, Satsang.

Looking into the future gives you the compass to judge the consequences of your actions.

You are what you read. You are what you learn. You are what you do, because what you do is defined by what you know. You are what you experience. Every experience in your life is shaping your thoughts. It is shaping you as well as your work view.

What you know defines your values and shapes your character.

Your future is defined by your present. You reap what you sow.

Need for Idol/hero. We are a herd by nature. We are social animals.

What is our identity.

What does courage deliver. Respect & Trust. That is the most important thing one can earn in life. Not money, not position nor power, but respect.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Guru Devo Bhava

Good morning to Distinguished Dignitaries, Respected Speakers, Honourable Teachers from various schools, the pride of Lions, Ladies & Gentlemen.

Imagine we are in a ship facing a storm! As sailors, What should we do? We cannot change the wind or calm the sea. Should we keep quiet and simply watch, or, can we do something. Can’t we adjust the sails & steer?

We are facing a storm today, and each of us is experiencing degeneration and possible downfall of the society. We are deeply concerned. We even express it every now and then. Being busy, we either feel we can’t do anything or it is too big for us. Ultimately we become mute spectators.

Should we resign to fate? or can we do anything about it?

Shri. Anil Khicha, Reena Madam & Myself, three diverse young people while meeting socially, casually remarked about the state the society and that it is amidst a storm. Somehow within us we felt, we needed to do something – in whatever small way we could. With pained hearts and restless minds, the destination not known & the path unclear, we decided not to sit quite. Thus began a journey with great intention & determination - to make a difference. The greatest challenge before us was, what kind of a society will we leave behind for our children?

Engaging in discussions and deliberations with, like-minded people, educators, professionals & thought leaders we arrived at a singular solution – you, The Teacher. The teacher has the greatest opportunity and ability to shape the future. With the able guidance and mentorship of Shri S Gurumurthy, these ideas took a shape and thus was born the movement named Guru Devo Bhava. Because early on we realized that it was not enough to just conduct events but to create a movement. The mission of Guru Devo Bhava is to engage, inspire, enrich & empower teachers so that they become respectable and therefore respected. Its aim - to bring Honour and Pride for Teachers.

The Guru Devo Bhava Team found its footing when we joined hands with the like-minded, large hearted service organization -Lions Club of Meenambakkam, who have been our pillar of support all these three years and should be for years to come. The movement was initiated in 2012 & conducted a few pilot programs with 10 schools engaging about 750 teachers and 10,000 students. All the 10 schools conducted intensive writing, oratorical & drawing competitions on the theme Guru Devo Bhava. They also participated in a skit competition on the same theme. The Launch program was held on September 8, 2012 at Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai. Distinguished educators & thinkers made their presentations.

Carrying on this august flag forward & sustaining the momentum, an enthralling program for over three hundred teachers, 'Live Life True Size' was held with the renowned life coach & motivational speaker Shri Tapas Das Mohapatra on June 8, 2013 at Chinmaya Heritage Centre, Chennai.

The movement has continuously attracted flag-bearers of the society and the industry not only contributed financially, but to the content and delivery of this cause as well. They came together to nudge this righteous wheel forward. Their endorsement & keen support encouraged the movement to do more and better.

Good Schools produce Good citizens, but the bigger question remains, what makes a good school.

Feeling enthused from the response of our earlier programs, this year, Guru Devo Bhava is embracing the opportunity to revere & support the teachers through this program designed around 'What makes a good school'

We have tried to reach over 500 schools of Chennai to get the Students’ & Teachers’ Perspectives. We have reached the whole of Chennai through various media to get the public opinion and we have been largely successful in garnering immense interest in this Topic.

Among the schools, over 20 schools participated in the Preliminary Round of presentations on what makes a good school which was held on 23rd August at Guru Shri ShanthiVijai Jain Vidyalaya, Vepery. Today you are about to see 10 of those schools participate in panel discussions with our experts.

We also got an overwhelming a lot of response from the general public.
Today’s program has seen the participation from over 70 schools and as of yesterday, our Registrations have crossed our target of 500 Teachers. What more, thanks to Purple Stream Convergence, this program is being live streamed online and can be seen by anyone on the website,

On behalf of the Guru Devo Bhava Team, I thank you all for your wonderful enthusiasm in participating in this movement.

An array of eminent educators & thinkers are to follow and I hope you will return to your schools, invigourated, inspired and empowered.

Thank you.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Broad questions for education in India.

Ken Robinson, the renowned education reformist, in his talk at TED, emphasises on three aspects of the failing system of education, viz.,  education inflation, educating out of creativity and failure in educating for the future.

Inflation? Yes. Inflated expectation by the society, industry, institutions, teachers, parents and even the student.  Yes. Our schools are killing our creativity. And, in his speech, he clearly remarks about how students who begin their education this year will retire in the year 2070, we do not know how the world will be 5 years hence, how then are our educational institutions preparing these children to live successfully in the year 2070.

There are two reasons on why we cannot dispute the fact there is something called an education inflation. 
1) There are more qualified people than there are jobs. Hence, industry picks either the best or even gets audacious to pick from the "over-qualified" candidates.
2) To make up for a lack of interest, investment and infrastructure required by the industry to train their own team of specialized workers, they instead look for 'Ready-made' employees and  keep raising the qualification requirements. This results in a industry-wide inflation of hiring over qualified people. 

The competition among institutions - even systems of education -  has led to a compression of what can be crammed into the little impressionable minds. We have created a system that meets only the economic imperative of the world.  

Hence, we are in a hurry to push as much information as possible into the young minds. We are putting into the young minds based on what best they can absorb regardless for their interest. Thereby creating a system that is eager to label a whole lot of students as 'uneducationable'. A system that marginalizes them and deems them more fit for so called menial jobs. 

In their competition to show that their institution is the best, the institutes themselves take only the best and employ a filtering system. Creating a privilege system rather than a educating system. 

Ideal University:
An university should be built with the needs of the society in mind and not cater to meet the demands of the economy alone. We are not creating units out of an assembly-line and hence our education system should be able to cater to the "uniqueness" of every student. It must admit every student who applies and gives them the education that interests them. Each university should cover the whole gamut of education from vocational, arts, science, management, law, commerce, economics, history, medical. We have to expand on traditional vocations (which were designed to fulfill an Industrial age demand) and create specialized vocations suited to this time.

With this as the main goal, our universities should move towards models such as below:

The non-profit Model:
Education can and never should be for-profit. But still, why is education so costly? If an institution is run by a public trust, only 50% of the cost of running the institution should be collected by the university as fee. 25% should be through endowments. 25% should be through public or government funds. Can there be a cross-subsidy model? All effort should be targeted to make education cheaper, without compromising on quality. 
Can there be a separate Education Fund of the government which will be paid into by each corporate to fulfill its CSR obligations which can be then used to fund education. 

Self-sustainable model Vs. Non-profit model:
A good institution has to be self-sustainable. But can an institution be made truly self-sustainable with a condition of acting as not for profit. If a group of professors and students work and create a patent using the resources of the institution, then, the royalties of the institution can make it self-sustainable. But under the law they cannot earn profits as it would make them lose their non-profit status. Can any institution guarantee a system where the royalties are just enough so that they do not create a profit?  Because of this, there is a counter intuitive movement in the market that has not given any incentive to institutes to do more research? Leading to the current situation where institutions are not interested in doing any path breaking research. Even in the few institutions that conduct researches, they have shifted to just teach how to do research without doing any research. Duh! 

So, what is our education system doing - Educating the youth or Creating machines out of humans?

The prerogative vs responsibility
When it comes to admission, these institutions unilaterally hold the prerogative to choose their wards. But when it comes to delivery, include a 3 pronged approach of Institution, Student and Parent. Excuse me! Dear Institutions. Please think. Think hard and introspect. What is your role?

Is your role to choose the best and give them tools to clear exams? 

Can you ever think of yourselves as an institution that provides Knowledge & Education? How are you involving the parent and the student in a consultative, facilitation process of providing them with the tools to learn to the best of their abilities.

Can we really counsel and bring about a change in individual goals and objectives. Can you make that reluctant student(who comes to school because it is a social obligation) to an enthusiastic student (who seeks knowledge because he sees it as enlightening, empowering & life saving) ?

The creative talent of the candidates is never tested. Our education system has become demotivating and retrograde that the whole of purpose of education has been defeated.

Testing for Knowledge
The whole system is geared to give enough information and training on how to beat exams which defeats the very purpose of examinations. The purpose of examination is to provide a mechanism to evaluate how much a student has grasped the teaching.

But today, that purpose has been defeated and the student is given training on how to beat the exam, even giving them a list of questions that will be asked. How stupid can the system get. Why, because it is ultimately the reputation of the teacher and the institution and these exams reflect on their ability to give knowledge.

Teachers form an integral part of the education system. On one side, the system is down in the dumps while on the other, the spirit of the system - the teachers who need to stimulate the thinking capacity are themselves in a bad shape.
Pecking order
As soon as a batch of students graduates, the high performers are picked up by the industry and given fancy salaries and employed. The rest, have no choice but to get themselves better qualified and go for higher education. There too upon graduation, the best get picked by the industry. Of the residual people, some of them go for higher academics and end up choosing teaching. Then having some time in their hands, and to make some extra money, start doing research, publish meaningless papers and as academicians fail miserably in either providing a good education to their students or even motivating them to strive for excellence. There are even those after higher education  who do not find employment, who finally end up in a profession that was not even their primary field of knowledge. 

We really need to tap the potential of the bright candidates in reviving the teaching professions! We need Profs who can act as role models and kindle interest in the young minds.

How many Graduates (in each stream) should a nation produce? 

While no field has a dearth of scope, we still have to ask this question? Do we need scores and scores of engineers graduating every year making unemployment plausible? We need to promote all fields equally and have regulations in place to prevent mushrooming of deemed universities that see an opportunity to make a business proposition out of a demand for a particular stream of education.

Is unemployment a problem of plenty or a problem of not planning? Has there been any scientific statistical analysis on the requirements in the market for each specialized stream of education for every stream of education? This has to be done on a priority basis. This should be the guiding principle on which UGC and others allot seats in institutions and allow established of deemed universities.

Of course not everyone who joins the course clears the course in flying colors, the pass percentage can also be given a weight-age to arrive at a total 'employable' graduates from a particular stream. Secondly, what happens the next year, how many new jobs will be created for the same stream and what will be the year-on-year requirement needs to be studied.

What will be the growth prospect of a person who joins employment. This will also help the institutes to invest properly in catering to the market demands and also help choose the right stream based on their interests. Students should be allowed to explore various streams instead of branding a few streams as more employable than the rest.

Government Employment:
How many 'economists' are employed by the government. How many graduates from Commerce, History, Economics, are employed in their core competency in each government department. Doesn't each Government department need specialists? There are at least 2500 ULBs and over 10,000 government offices that will each require one or more of the specialists. Even a chartered accountant, Statisticians. What about MBAs coming in as key administrators. Can we think of employing specialists  and more specialists. How many geologists are employed by the water authorities. Yes they are employed in Mining departments, but why not in water management? The Govt recruitment process needs an immediate revamp. There is no rational behind how the skills of the candidates are mapped to the job profile. Govt hires in masses and deputes in masses diluting the quality of the both Govt institution and the Individual's knowledge.

In summary, the education system should work towards imparting quality knowledge and stimulating the creative talent of the youth by reviewing the curriculum and evaluation procedure. Funding for research and academics in the country needs attention wherein the brightest in every field is wooed.

The Shifting Goal Post of Education

Every school student is pushed to his limits to clear is High School - saying it is the greatest exam he will ever face and his success in life depends on how much he can prove to society of how productive he can be. 

Assuming he comes off in flying colours, he enters college to pursue his 'education', where again he is told that he will have to clearly exhibit his grasp of what is employable and productive skills. His prospects will actually now depend on how well he performs these 3-5 years. 

After jumping through innumerable loops, he completes his 'education' and again he is told that what he has learnt has little to do with his real employable skills and has to undergo training to suit the needs of that particular industry. He is left wondering, what has he learnt all these years. 

From a students' perspective, his journey is like running to a goal post that is ever shifting. Yes. Learning is a countinuous process. But to push our students to sprint to each goal is the mistake we all make. We should let them understand that they are in a marathon and must prepare themselves to keep jogging down the journey of life. 

Why is it necessary to say this today? 
Well, go to any college and you find atleast 30-50% of the students disinterested in studying. Creating ruckus. Even in IITs you find that students do not find the motivation to keep moving ahead, because they are tired from running a sprint for their high school graduation. Having cleared that, they feel they have earned their due and waiting for society to heap rewards. Only a select few find the motivation within themselves and keep pushing themselves to excellence even in college. A few more students falter here and once they graduate, they find it very hard to pursue 'knowledge'. For them, their 'education' is over. 

In every system across the world, education is practised as if it is a result of discipline and hardwork. That is why we give importance to Attendance. Uniform. Term papers. Conformity. Rules. Silence. Order. We somehow value that education that is a result of Discipline.

But true education happens only when there is curiosity. A right answer supplanted at the right moment of curiosity from a child makes a learning for life. And it is this curiosity that our system has failed to ignite in the minds of the children. 

How difficult is it for us to talk to children, students and parents and explain that they have to take a different view of education. 

Education is a Nourishment
I would ask the parents and teachers to draw the analogy of how education is also another form of nutrition. You can't cram it in. You have to gradually keep digesting it. Daily. For the rest of our lives. It is as joyful an experience as it is to keep finding tasty dishes that exhilarates our palates. Imagine telling our children, 'what you eat today will define what you are for the rest of your life'. 

Today we gladly ask our children to eat a whole lot of crap and ask them to regurgitate them to check if they have eaten properly. This has to stop. We need children to be fed. Not force fed. 

Children are by nature inquisitive. By just fanning this curiosity early in life and keeping them engaged in this habit can help the child be a knowledge seeker for life. 

Yes, all we need is a culture of celebrating Knowledge - where education happens by putting the child at the centre of the process, rather than putting education as a goal at all. 

Can the Samvad cell make an impact

The promise and the practice of Samvad Cell of the BJP which has over 60,000 members contributing their ideas for a New India can only be described at best archaic. Just because, the samvad cell has garnered over 60,000 mermbers using technology does not make it an effective tool. The promise is immense and encouraging, the potential limitless, but reality is that it is doing things not in a visionary way but as an archaic bureaucracy. Perhaps I am being too critical with just two papers created by this enthusiastic group. But if these two papers are any models to go by, I cannot be but skeptical. 

Whats wrong with these two papers. 
Well, it does not come up with any unique insight into the problem. Period. There is nothing in it that will make a reader go - Wow, I did not know that. Presented to a seasoned bureaucrat, he will just cast it aside saying that there is nothing he does not know, nothing new by means of causes or statistics and nothing by mneans of solution that has not been tried. 

You cannot solve the problems of today using the same systems that created them. 

The solutions suggested in the papers are just results expected. There is not a single idea on how to go about implementing them. Both papers address only one aspect of the public - its aspirations. A wish list. That is all. This list can be prepared by two people sitting and thinking for 2-3hrs. What the samvad cell needs to do is to co-ordinate the nation and enlighten them in the language of the polity. 

The missing analysis & arguments
Being in the government, they have access to statistics. Before they come up with just the aspiration list, they could do well to cross check these with statistics.  
Any paper has to talk about all aspects of the problem including potential opposition, potential costs, potential failures, measurement metrics and safeguards for misuse. With 60,000 people contributing, i know it is a huge task, but how else can you use the collective intelligence. The parameters have to be analysed in detail. 

Waste of Time
I spent 3-4 hours on researching the subject before posting an opinion on the samvad cell. Adding the time spent for each subject, that is a cumulative loss of over 10 man days. After seeing none of the ideas even touched by samvad cell, i should come to only one conclusion that I might as well have spent it on something useful. But my love of MODI and his vision and passion makes me stick on to the samvad cell. I have long given up hope on the bureaucracy to come up with any new or practical solution. This government through a participative approach gives me a glimmer of hope that even I in some way could be part of the Think Tank. I think that there are atleast 60,000 people like me who give their opinions in hope of being listened to. Pls. do not ignore our time and ideas that could make India better.

The samvad cell should not act just as a proactive, responsive government. It should act as a proactive, intelligent, responsive BJP government. It has to believe in its serious role in Nation Building. 

Being technologically savvy, BJP should employ state of the art systems to data mine both the government and the ideas generated by the members of samvad cell. 

Data convergence, data mining of the suggestions from various members should be classified into various meta tags and analysed individually by creating a matrix that can be classified and sorted. A rough tagging principle could be, topic, governance level, branch of government, nature of suggestion sub tagged as pain point, underlying cause, expected end result, methodology, regulation, change in procedure, creating institutions, policy idea, better implementation, enforcement etc., credibility of suggestion following a ranking system ranked by both the member and peer group rating by volunteers. This can be sorted, rated and ranked by a peer group much like how Wikipedia functions. The best and innovative ideas can then be further made into an argument that should then be made available to the government and the public.

Re-inventing the wheel
Are we re-inventing the wheel so to say. We have to look globally for successful models and adapt them to suit our needs. This has to be done carefully with due diligence paid to long term effects and learnings from other countries. Proven programs that have worked should b emulated as early as possible. 

Cloudsourcing Statistical Analysis
One of the greatest problems in governance of India is the lack of real time data available to the think tank. Because the data is not being crunched by the experts. BJP can facilitate this by allowing members to aid in data analysis and then give suggestions based on various results. This is very important as no solution can work pan-India. In many cases it need can be done on trial basis in separate pockets which can be tracked and then the results included with the idea paper when presented to the government.

Thinking outside the box
You cannot do the same thing again and again expecting a different result. Meaning, whatever solution we provide has to be about creating insitutions, policies, laws, that are outside existing systems. Creating access and transparency is the only demand I see in the existing documents and in my humble opinion will not even make a scratch on the problem. 

The solutions should be very specific in the following 
1. What should be removed
2. What should be changed
3. What should be created
Each of which should deal with 
Regulations, Procedures, Personnel, Institutions, Responsibilities, Framework of action, Performance metrics, Social metrics, financial model etc., wherever applicable. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Principles of Sound Governance

Today, the buzz word is Governance.

Can we develop a frame work that will define Indian Government and quality of Governance. One that would include every aspect of governing this nation. In this quest, I found this on the internet - a document of the Government of Singapore.

It is a bit narrow and specific to fit the size & diversity of India, I hope to create a similar document for India.

This is a document that each civil servant, has to read and hold as his/her guiding principle in what he/she does. This will not only help him deliver what the nation expects out of the government, but will also be self-fulfilling.

Imperatives of India's Governance

The priorities & practicalities of Governance in India is ruled by the following paradigms
  1. Diversity of Culture, Language, Religion, Education, Economics
  2. Size & Demography
  3. Federalism
  4. History & Legacy of Governance
India, today needs to set higher standards of Government & Governance to ensure public trust is maintained. We, as the pillars of this institution of Government undertake to fulfill the promise of a strong, cohesive, self-reliant, independent India and we believe in following the ideals laid out in the constitution and shall serve the people of India with utmost dedication, diligence, morality & selflessness.

India's strength lies in its Government,comprising of; the people who lead the Government; the long established systems, protocols & procedures; its strong moral, social & cultural identity; principled Government policies & programs that work towards growth and prosperity of all Indians.

Recognizing the need for greater solidification of its purpose, vision & ideals, the government dedicates itself to the principles on which it shall provide maximum Governance.


India lies on a demographic dividend and along with its well recognized intellectual capabilities, should leverage on its biggest strength - its people. We are the biggest group of empowered, efficient & motivated individuals working as generals and soldiers in this battle to make India the greatest nation in the world.

Visionary Leadership

A visionary leadership quality has to be nurtured in every individual who is in civil service which will provide rich dividends to both the individual and to the nation. A visionary civil service should grab every opportunity to solve the problems of tomorrow.

Proactive & Patriotic Thinking

Nation above all - a mantra that shall be embodied by every member of the civil service.

Evangelists for higher Moral, Cultural, & Social Ideals

Every civil servant dedicates his life to a higher Moral, Cultural & Social Ideal and shall endeavour to honour this code and serve as an example to the society.


Our approach to providing good governance to this great nation will be holistic, equitable & impartial and follow the following principles.

Ensuring Essentials

We dedicate ourselves to providing all the essentials like Food, Clothing, Housing, Electricity, Roads, Water, Health, Education to each and every citizen of India. 

Uncompromising in Security & Justice

We shall do everything in our power to ensure individual, social, and national security. We shall be the guardians of Justice and shall uphold the law as supreme. 

Preservation of Culture, Values & Identity

Recognizing the richness in history & diversity of culture, values and identity, we shall work towards, preserving it, practicing it & promoting it in everything we do. 

Adopting Best Practices from across the world

The greatest virtue of science & knowledge is its quest for further science and knowledge and we shall pursue it in every aspect of our governance in meeting the goals of the government by using the best practices from wherever in this world.

Equitable & Efficient in Delivery

In our daily delivery of service, we promise to be equitable and shall not distinguish between sex, caste, creed, religion or any other construct. We also dedicate ourselves to be fully efficient in doing our duties in service of this great nation. 

Adopting Technology for both Efficiency & Transparency

We shall take advantage of every technology available that shall aid in the efficiency and transparency of service that we provide. We recognize that our co-ordination - both internal and to the citizens - depends on leveraging today's communication technologies to the fullest. 

Perpetual Self Introspection for evolving better Systems & Procedures

Time is not still and neither should we be. We will proactively review every system and procedure to test it for various parameters and work continuously in improving them in every way possible.

Anticipating Change & Staying Relevant

In a world that is constantly changing, the government has to be able to anticipate whatever change may come, and prepare for any eventuality, either good or bad. This is the only way that the government can stay relevant & respected.

National Interest above all

We humbly dedicate ourselves to the civil service and with a great sense of pride define ourselves as aiding in this noble project of nation building and are proud to put Nation above all. 

Focused Impetus with holistic growth in mind

Given our diversity, every policy & program shall be designed and implemented in a way that provides focused impetus to the designated group of people with a vision to bring greater equality in society

Educating & Empowering the society

We recognize that, in this day and age, the paradigm of better service and the ease in providing it lies in an educated and empowered citizens who are aware of their rights and responsibilities.


We as a civil servant of India promise to be Honest, Dedicated, Patriotic, Just, Empathetic, Generous, Humble & Diligent.

Imperatives & Framework 

The imperatives of this Government lies in 

  • Responsible Regulation
  • Responsive Governance
  • Creating Self-Sustaining Institutions
  • Preservation of Resources
  • Promoting Sustainable programs
  • Providing Pragmatic Solutions
  • Paradigm Changes that will aid in better governance
  • Preventing Corruption
  • Promoting Efficiency
To these, principles, values, & framework - we dedicate ourselves. So help me God in keeping me steadfast in this great and noble venture of Building this Great Nation - India. Jai Hind

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Educational Reforms that our country needs

At the outset of rumors that our HRD ministry would give the Foreign Universities Bill a push, I personally feel the need of the hour is overhauling of our Institutions. I am not against Foreign universities setting up their campuses on our shores but before we welcome them, we need to take a stock of the current situation in our own institutes. If we can do well in foreign universities, why not in our own? By having foreign universities in our land, it should not be a case of deplorable Indian institutes Vs trendy foreign universities. Our institutes should be comparable and compete with theirs to provide a healthy choice for our students. Otherwise, students will again have to fight for admissions and spend more money for quality education.

The need of the hour is a revamp of our archaic regulations. Reservations has done more harm than good to our Nation. We have been able to achieve quantity while quality has taken a beating through our reservation system. Yes, India is a land of diversified demographics and there is a huge Urban-Rural, Rich-Poor divide. Our reservation system helps us bridge this divide. But, that is just one side of the story. On the other hand, we have been promoting mediocrity and discouraging the meritorious.  Mediocrity kills innovation! My argument is we need reservation but not in its present form. From school to college, we need a reservation system based on economic background that will make higher education accessible to all bridging the urban-rural divide. After one's under-graduation, there is should be no reservation system. The under-graduation course has to bring students from villages/poor background and cities/rich background on the same plane. The course should be structured in a way that bridges the gap at this level. On graduation day, the skills of a rural candidate should match the skills of the urban candidate. Post-graduation and Employment opportunities should be based on merit. At  the post-graduate and research-level, economically backward students can be supported through endowments and scholarships. Similarly,  fellowships should be available for meritorious irrespective of their economical background. This change will bring produce competitive, highly-skilled candidates in the society.

Today, candidates who join universities on quota have no inclination to upgrade their skills, baring a few. Most of them believe the reservation system will help them all their life which, is terrible. To bring about this change, our curriculum should be revamped too. The first year of college should focus on social skills and communication skills apart from academics which enable these students to come to par with others. The curriculum has to focus on:

  • Learning through experiments
  • More industrial visits
  • Research-oriented
  • Exchange programs with foreign universities
  • Visiting profs from reputed global institutes

Credits should be based on not only marks obtained in examination but also
  • Individual research ideas
  • White papers presented/published
  • Innovations (patented ideas/creations)
These need not be compulsory but students who put in extra efforts and achieve these milestones should be differentiated by awarding credits. 

Government should have a panel which monitors the research ideas of all institutions in the country and fund certain projects. A annual conference organized by the Govt where worthy ideas are recognized and funded would motivate both the institution and the students. Institutions will spend more on research when such initiatives are taken.

In order to come up with research ideas, students should be motivated and have strong guidance. There is a dearth of quality academicians in the country. And only in our country, academicians don't research or rather engage in minimal research. Forget quality academicians at University level, the standard of our teachers in school has become pathetic. Children in Govt schools are not able to do the basics arithmetic correctly. School education reforms is another topic. Now to this,  the government/institutes must lay down policies that ensure professors continue research even after they obtain their doctoral degrees. The induction of lectures/professors also needs a overhauling. Reservations in the academic openings must be abolished. Recruiting based on entrance exams alone is not enough, the candidates for lectureship should be evaluated based on his skills to impart knowledge and conduct research. The lecturers should double up as a  Research Fellow at the department during initial phase of employment. Some of the checkpoints for professors should be

  • No of individual research papers/year
  • No of research ideas/year
  • No of ongoing research projects (Implementation of ideas in Univ Labs)
  • No of research fellows tutored
  • Teaching methodology (Does the prof go beyond the textbooks? Does he/she use e-resources etc)
  • Feedback from students
  • No of training sessions/other skill up-gradation
Some/most of these criteria are in place even today but the review and follow-through is unsatisfactory. The professors have to be pulled up for not meeting these standards. The institutes should also facilitate professors to engage with their respective industries on field. Professors must be encouraged to provide consultation services to industries. It should be a part of their academic profile.

Professors who are currently employed should go through skill up-gradation. In the age of e-learning, many profs still do not know to use the Internet. E-journals, and other e-resources should be used for carrying out research instead of age old mechanisms. The mindset of profs also requires a change. Still, the relationship between a prof and a student is that of oneupmanship. There is no conducive environment for collaborative research among students and professors. 

Laboratories in universities need a face-lift.  For professors/students to conduct research, they should be provided with good  infrastructure. Funding our universities is an essential step. We cannot improve the quality of education imparted with the current infrastructure. We should explore corporate/sponsored funding in upgrading research labs and research projects.

If all the money that is spent in foreign university bill can be diverted towards:
1) Improving lab infrastructure and e-resources
2) Overhauling professor recruitment and student admission process
3) Restructuring curriculum to be research oriented
4) Enhancing the skill-level of existing academicians

We will have world-class research done in our own soil by our own people!